đź‘‹ Relatable

Intentional Relational System

Modern professionals instinctively turn to LinkedIn as their starting point for building and nurturing relationships.

However, many find the Linkedin feed frustrating. With its ads and irrelevant content, it can easily distract us from our relational goals and intentions.

At it's core, LinkedIn is designed to maximize engagement, often at the expense of our individual, relational objectives.

The primary motivation is to keep users on the platform to increase ad revenue.

This leads to a focus on engagement over utility.

In contrast, professionals seek to make quick, meaningful progress towards relational goals, minimizing time spent on the platform.

Social platforms like LinkedIn, TikTok, and Facebook are all built to capture attention, not necessarily to serve user needs.

The fact that LinkedIn is used for networking, recruiting, content sharing, and more — also makes it a crowded space with diverse, often conflicting, user goals.

With so many different use cases, LinkedIn’s focus is scattered, making it difficult to use the platform primarily for intentional relational development.

Imagine for a minute a relational fortress,  shielding your relational intentions from distractions, and allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

By protecting your goals, a relational fortress offers clarity, alignment, and steady progress in relationship-building.

LinkedIn, with its constant stream of distractions, acts as the opposite of a relational fortress, leaving your intentions vulnerable.

With it's engagement-driven design, Linkedin fails to support the intentional, focused approach required for effective relational development.

A relational intentional system anchors your goals, ensuring every interaction serves a purpose in your broader relational strategy.

To truly protect and nurture your relationships, it’s essential to create or use a system that aligns with your goals, not a platform’s metrics.

A successful relational system anchors your intentions, tracks your progress, and ensures steady advancement towards your relational goals.

Your relational fortress is a safe space where distractions are minimized, and your relational intentions are fully supported.

With a relational intentional system, you gain efficiency, focus, and fulfillment, transforming your relationships into intentional, meaningful connections.

By shifting to a relational intentional system, you take control of your relational development, ensuring your efforts are aligned with your true goals.

Aligning your relational tools with your goals ensures that every interaction is purposeful, leading to stronger, more meaningful relationships.

The future of effective relational development lies in intentional systems that prioritize your goals over platform engagement metrics.