
Life Canvas

Live by purpose, not by accident. The Life Canvas is a framework that provides a simple, visual method of defining, understanding, and utilizing your unique capabilities and desires to build the future of your dreams.

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Gifts and skills

List the talents (and skills) that make you unique.


List the key guiding principles by which you live and work.

Life metrics

How will you measure your life? What does "success" look like?

Income streams

List your sources of income.

What you love

List the top 2-5 things you love to do that you can do for free.


In 1 sentence, write down your "reason for being".

World needs

List the top-of-mind things you see most lacking in the world.


In 1 sentence, write HOW and WHAT you will do to fulfill your vision.


Addressing both your World and Life visions, in 1 sentence, write your big picture, ideal outcome for the world and the ideal outcome for your life.