Health check

Startup operations

Identify a viable and scalable business model. Ensure a uniform understanding of and alignment around what we evaluate the organization on in an early phase (pre product-market fit). Avoid becoming a feature factory.

This health check is also available in Norwegian.

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Problem insight

Deeply understand what problem we are solving and why the problem is problematic.


Communication insight

Articulate in an easily understandable way how what we do creates value.


Delivery insight

Prototype and test our ability to deliver on our value proposition.

User experience insight

Understand how satisfied customers are with what we deliver and what they think can be improved.



Ensure that we have sufficient capital to validate our primary value proposition hypothesis.


Target audience insight

Deeply understand who cares about the problem we want to solve, and why solving it is important to them.

Alternatives insight

Understand what people are doing instead of solving the problem we're helping to solve, and what the pros and cons of those options are.

Actors insight

Understand which actors operate within the same problem area, as either complementary actors and potential collaboration partners, or direct competitors.