

Develop and maintain a healthy and high-functioning organization.

The check-in type is designed around the concept of the team pilllars.

This health check is also available in Norwegian

Kopier til din organisasjon

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Sjekk ut disse utviklingsprogrammene: Leadership functioning



Helping and holding people accountable to their priorities and potential.

Goal clarity

Ensure a clear understanding of the goals of ourselves and others.

Role clarity

Ensure a clear understanding of the roles of ourselves and others.


Employee experience

Identify how people perceive their journey through the organization.

  • How have people responded to the employee experience surveys we use?
  • What other signals of positive or negative employee experiences have we picked up?

Team experience

Identify how people perceive our culture and the psychological safety of their work.

  • How have people responded to the team health surveys we use?
  • What other signals of positive or negative team experiences have we picked up?

Leadership experience

Identify to which extent people perceive their leaders to be trustworthy and effective.

Organizational resilience

Competence management

Ensure transparency into what we must be able to, and who masters what.

  • What does each individual role holder need to master, and what is insufficiently mastered?
  • What other signals have we picked up of people lacking sufficient competence in order to properly adhere to their roles?
  • Which competencies could offer us new opportunities in the future if we were to have better access to it?

Insight management

Ensure that the knowledge available to the organization is articulated, accessible and reusable.


Ensure that people have automated relevant expectations.