
Foot in the door offering

Evaluate how well equipped something is to be a foot in the door offering.

Kopier til din organisasjon

Cost of entry

Financial cost
  • How much does it cost? For how long?
  • Is the cost low enough that I am comfortable writing it off without any siginificant aggravation if it does not work out?
  • Can I get my money back if I'm not satisfied (and under which terms)?
Time cost
  • How time-consuming is the offering in setup and recurring time (specifially in minutes spent pr day/week/month)?
Energy cost
  • How much of an emotional commitment and exertion is the offering?
  • How much of a cognitive exertion is it?
  • How physicallly demanding is it?



To which extent can they complete the required steps without having to rely on and involve others?

  • How easy is it to gain the desired benefit of the offering?
  • How many steps are involved?
  • How fun/motivating is it?

Risk of entry

Commitment (opt-out)
  • How big of a commitment is the offering?
  • How much information do they have to give?
  • What is the extent of the terms they have to agree to?
  • How easily can the subject cancel/opt-out if things don't go as they had hoped?
Social risk

To which extent do they run the risk of failing while others are watching?

Target audience qualification


To which extent does the offer ser as a filter to qualify potential clients or supporters?

Indicative of future investment

To which extent is the willingness to accept the offer a good indicator of future investment within the area we need people to be willing to invest in?

Target audience value


How relevant to is the offering to them and their situation? To which extent will it help them solve the problems they are currently focused on?

  • What value will the subject experiene from the offering?
  • How much do they care about this value?
  • Does there exist social proof of this value being experienced?
Instantly useful

Can the target audience gain value from it instantly?