
Scaling readiness

Evaluate our readiness level for quickly scaling our value creation without scaling our issues and people proportionally.

This health check is intended to be evaluated after key players have given their opinion on the How ready are we to scale? survey.

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Sjekk ut disse utviklingsprogrammene: Scaling an organization


Unit economics

Assessing unit economics readiness evaluates the financial viability and profitability of the organization's business model at scale. It examines the cost structure, pricing strategy, and revenue streams to ensure that scaling efforts lead to sustainable profitability and positive unit economics.


Evaluating funding readiness assesses the organization's financial position and its ability to secure the necessary funding for scaling. It ensures that the organization has access to sufficient capital, whether through internal resources or external sources, to support expansion, investment in infrastructure, talent acquisition, and other scaling-related expenses.


Market satisfaction

Assessing market satisfaction gauges how well the organization meets the needs and expectations of its target market. Understanding customer satisfaction helps identify areas for improvement and ensures that scaling efforts align with market demands, leading to continued customer loyalty and positive brand perception.

Market demand

Evaluating market demand helps determine if there is sufficient interest and demand for the organization's products or services. It ensures that scaling efforts are justified by the market's appetite for the offering, mitigating the risk of over-expansion or scaling without a viable customer base.

Market insight

Evaluating market insight readiness assesses the organization's understanding of the market, including customer needs, trends, and competitive landscape. It ensures that the organization has accurate and up-to-date market intelligence to make informed decisions and effectively position itself for growth.



Evaluating quality ensures that the organization maintains high standards in its products or services. It helps ensure customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and long-term success. Assessing quality readiness is essential to maintain or improve the organization's competitiveness as it scales.

Operational efficiency

Evaluating operational efficiency readiness examines the organization's ability to handle increased production, delivery, or service demands efficiently. It ensures that scaling efforts do not result in bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or compromised quality, and helps identify areas for process improvement and optimization.


Evaluating capacity readiness assesses whether the organization has the physical, logistical, or infrastructural resources necessary to handle increased demand. It helps identify potential constraints or gaps in facilities, equipment, or supply chain, enabling proactive planning and resource allocation.

Organizational clarity

Business model

Assessing the business model's scalability readiness examines how well the organization's current model can adapt and expand with increased demand. Evaluating the business model helps identify potential gaps, challenges, or opportunities for refinement to support successful scaling.

Organizational structure

Evaluating organizational structure readiness examines the organization's ability to support and adapt to increased complexity as it scales. It assesses whether the structure, roles, and reporting lines are aligned with the organization's growth objectives, facilitating efficient decision-making, communication, and coordination.


Assessing strategy readiness examines the organization's strategic plan and its alignment with scaling objectives. It ensures that the organization has a clear roadmap, actionable goals, and well-defined strategies to guide scaling efforts, seize opportunities, and address potential challenges.

Organizational resilience

Technology & infrastructure

Assessing technology and infrastructure readiness evaluates the organization's technological capabilities and infrastructure to support scaling. It ensures that the organization's IT systems, software, hardware, networks, and infrastructure are scalable, secure, and capable of handling increased operations.

Risk management

Evaluating risk management readiness examines how well the organization identifies, assesses, and mitigates risks associated with scaling. It ensures that the organization has effective risk management strategies, contingency plans, and safeguards in place to minimize potential disruptions, financial losses, or reputational damage.



Assessing talent readiness examines the organization's ability to attract, develop, and retain skilled employees as it scales. It ensures that the organization has the necessary workforce capacity and capabilities to support growth, innovate, and maintain a competitive edge.


Assessing leadership readiness evaluates the capabilities and effectiveness of the organization's leadership team in guiding and managing scaling efforts. It ensures that the leadership team possesses the necessary skills, vision, and strategic acumen to navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise during scaling.