Community Canvas


Who are we and what do we belive in?


Why does the community exist?

  • What does the community hope to achieve?
  • How will the world be different by having this community?
  • How will the world be worse off if this community doesn’t exist/ceases to exist?
  • How will it affect the lives of members if they are part of this? 
Member Identity

Who is the community for?

  • What are the traits that its members share?
  • How does the community describe its members?
  • What is the profile of the community’s most active members?
  • How does the community take special care of them?
  • How is diversity defined and what is its role?
  • How is diversity enacted in all parts of the organization?

What is important to us as a community?

  • How do we want our members to treat each other?
  • How do our values help fulfill the community’s ultimate purpose?
  • What is the “vibe” of our community?
  • What is the aspirational way of life our community promotes?
  • How do we capture and communicate our values, both internally and externally?
Success Definition

How does the community define success?

  • What does the ideal community look like?
  • What kind of membership in the community is considered a success?
  • What kind of value does the community create for its members?
  • How does the community measure success?

How does the community express itself?

  • How does it use language, visuals and objects to strengthen its identity?
  • What is the community’s esthetic?
  • How does the community’s brand reflect its values?
  • How does the community communicate its identity to the world?