Community Canvas


What happens in the community & how does it create value for the members?


How do people join the community?

  • Is this an open or a closed community?
  • For open communities: what marks the difference between a member and a non-member?
  • What is the onboarding process for new members?
  • How are the people identified who should be part of the community?
  • How actively does the community want to grow and add people?

How do members leave the community?

  • Is there ever an end to the experience or does membership continue on indefinitely?
  • Is there a separate structure or experience for people who have left the community (e.g. an alumni community)?
  • How does the community handle inactive members?
Shared Experiences

What experiences do members share?

  • How do the individual experiences connect to the community’s overall goals?
  • Why are certain experiences more important than others?
  • How are shared experiences organized: is everything organized top down for the members? Or do members organize experiences for each other?
  • Do the shared experiences speak to a diverse group of members?

What rituals happen regularly?

  • Which rituals deepen the bonds among members?
  • Which rituals embody the community’s values?
  • Which rituals mark specific milestones in the membership experience?
  • Which rituals happen online?
  • Which rituals happen in person?

What content creates value for members?

  • How can the community tell the stories of its members?
  • What content will create deeper bonds among members?
  • How do members contribute valuable content to the community? 

What are the community’s rules? 

  • What does the community expect from each member?
  • What can the member expect from the community?
  • What is considered “out of bounds” misbehavior?
  • What are the rules for online interactions?
  • What are the guidelines for in-person gatherings?
  • How does the community deal with inactive members?
  • What happens if someone doesn’t follow the rules?
  • Which entity has the authority to create, change and enforce rules?

What roles can members play?

  • Why do the different roles exist?
  • What are the expectations for each role?
  • What are the rules for how handovers and transfer of responsibilities happen?