
Offboard a member of the organization

Consider the consequences of the person quitting. Develop a good understanding of why the person quits (and begin work to reduce the probability of the same thing happening again). Ensure that people who have an interest in the person quitting have received the right information at the right time. Work to ensure that the person who leaves is left with a favorable impression of the organization. Ensure that access to our systems is revoked in a timely manner.

Kopier til din organisasjon

Stage 1: Administrative preparations 8

Archive the resignation letter in the folder/HR system holding employee personal details.

The task is to be completed by the personell leader of the offboardee.

Confirm that the resignation letter is received, and what will be the default last day of work according to the employment contract (unless a specific agreement is made).

Let relevant employees know that the person has submitted their resignation. Here's a template you might use and adapt to suit your needs:


The time has come to congratulat [Name] on their new job!

Unfortunately, this also means that [Name] has submitted their resignation.

When someone submits a resignation, the People (HR) team applies the checkist for offboarding an employee. This helps us to consider everything we think is important to take care of before and after someone leaves.

If you have any concerns related to [Name] leaving the organization, I greatly appreciate if you would let me know.

Check to see if either the offboardee or the organization has specific requests when it comes to the last day of work, and aim to negotiate a last day that's acceptable to both parties.

Ensure that the deadline of Stage 5: Last day of work reflects the agreed upon date.

If an agreement can not be reached, the last day of work is governed by the employment contract.

Give notice of the resignation to the finance team, including the name of the offboardee and their last day of work.

Does this person leaving the organization require us to find a replacement? If so, initiate a separate recruiting project.

Ask the offboardee if they would like their holiday pay earned in the current year paid out on their last day of work, or in the holiday year. Please consult this article for the difference.

Let the finance team know of the preference.

Plan a going away party/parting gift in accordance with organizational policies to show appreciation for the offboardee.

Stage 2: Exit interview 4

In an attempt to create the best possible conditions for being open about the potential for improvement during the exit interview, we prefer that the exit interview is led by someone other than the manager of the offboardee.

Scheduele the Execution of the exit interview between the offboardee and a suitable interviewer.

Then, assign the Preparations by offboardee to the offboardee and ask them to complete this step ahead of the actual interview.

This task is assigned to the offboardee.

Review the agenda in Execution and reflect on/make notes of what you would like to say.

If you feel comfortable, consider sharing your notes ahead of time with the person conducting the exit interview by adding the notes to Execution and tagging the interviewer.

The interviewer conducts the interview and makes notes which are later added to the the file of the offboardee.

An exit intereview is valuable because it gives us the opportunity to learn more about how the employee experiences the organization.

Here are the recommended interview questions:

  • What is your reason for leaving the organization?
  • Which tasks/responsibiitites have you appreciated the most/least?
  • Is there anything about your work that turned out different from what you expected when you joined the organization?
  • How has the collaboration been with your colleagues/manager/clients?
  • What can we do to make the position more appealing to your successor?
  • In which areas should our organization focus on improving the employee experience?
  • Would you recommend others to work here? If yes, with which reservations? If not, why not?
  • Are there any barriers to speaking up that make you hesitant to share other things? Is there anything we can do about it?
  • What is your overall impression of the organization?
  • If you could only pick one thing to improve within the organization, what would it be?

The interviewer polishes their notes and shares them with relevant stakeholders. This might include:

  • The manager of the offboardee
  • The management team
  • The board
  • Investors
Stage 3: Role offboarding 1

For each role the person holds within the organization, create a task under Stage 3: Role offboarding and apply the checklist Offboard someone from a role.

You can see the roles currently held by a particular person by navigating to the offboardee in Wecomplish and clicking the "Roles" menu item. If you suspect that the list is not up to date with the actual roles held by the offboardee, please get the offboardee to confirm and/or update their list of roles first.

You can use the following format in the subtasks field to achieve this action quickly:

Role 1
- procedure: offboard-someone-from-a-role
Role 2
- procedure: offboard-someone-from-a-role
Stage 4: Last week of work 3

Make sure that the work in progress assigned to the offboardee is either resolved or delegated to someone else before their last day.

Consult the task/issue/ticket management systems used by the offboardee to review the tasks/issues/tickets/observations assigned to them.

Consult the time planning system(s) used by the offboardee in order to review their recurring allocations and meetings, and halt the participation at a suitable date.

For the equipment used personally by the offboardee, consult the offboardee if they:

  • Consider the equipment reusable by someone else
  • Would like to buy out the equipment for continued, private use

If the offboardee would like to buy out the equipment, consult relevant policies for purchasing equipment from the organization.

For each piece of equipment that the offboardee is expected to return, create a subtask beneath the task Hand over equipment.

Stage 5: Last day of work 4

Add an autoreply to your email notifying senders that you have left the organization and who can be contacted in your place.

Reset the passwords on the devices you are handing over to a generic, simple password that can be used to wipe and reset the device later on.

Add the generic password to this task.

Stage 6: After last day of work 3

Identify which systems the offboardee has access to by going to their roles and seeing which systems are associated with their roles.

For each unique system, create a subtask beneath this task representing the system.

Then, assign each task to a system administrator and tag them in order to request having the access of the offboardee revoked.

Wecomplish should be the last system revoked, as revoking access to Wecomplish will also disassociate the offboardee from their roles in the organization.

For the equipment expected to be reused by someone else, consider what needs to be done in order for the equipment to be reusable. This could involve:

  • Cleaning the equipment
  • Fixing stuff that is broken
  • Reset equipment to factory/organizational settings

Review the equipment associated with the roles held by the offboardee and create one subtask for each piece of equipment that requires preparation before reuse my soneone else.