
Analyze a market research interview

Analyze a qualitative market research interview in order to identify patterns, perspectives and obtain actionable insights.

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Digest transcript

Review the market research interview transcript and familiarize yourself with its contents.

Analyze interviewee problem perception

Please give a detailed analysis of the problems this person is experiencing, described from their subjective point of view.

Describe both the problems they perceive with themselves and the problems they perceive with their surroundings.

Analyze pains

Give a detailed analysis of the pains experienced by the interviewee as a result of these problems. Include emotional pains, cognitive pains, social pains, financial pains, progress pains and any other types of pain affecting their mental well-being.

Analyze individual intrinsic success metrics

Give a detailed analysis of how these pains impact their individual intrinsic success metrics, meaning the things they belive to be intrinsicly valuable in their own life.

Analyze world-view

Give a detailed analysis of how they perceive themselves, their situation and the world around them and how this impacts their priorities, behavior and capabilities.

Analyze expert problem perception

Please give a detailed analysis of the problem this person is experiencing, described from an expert's point of view.

Describe both the problems an expert would attribute to their surroundings, and the problems and expert would attribute to the interviewee.

Ideate profiles

In the context of market segmentation, ideate the profiles that this person might identify with.

Here are some examples of profile categories in which to ideate profiles:


Personality profiles are profiles designed around certain personality traits, tendencies and ways of thinking.

An example of a personality profile might be "Energetic, people-pleasing high-performer"


Situational profiles are profiles designed around a situation a person finds themselves in, be it in a role, at a certain point in their role journey or faced with a particular challenge.

An example of a situational profile might be "New scaleup hire".

Concept awareness

Awareness profiles are profiles which share some types of knowledge, insight, experiences or view points withing a certain concept or knowledge domain.

An example of a concept awareness profile is "Leaders who are cognizant of their emotions and mental health"


Constraint profiles are designed around the limitations experienced by the profile holder, such as culture, leadership, budget, market conditions, mandate or cognitive diagnosis.

An example of a constraint profile is "Person who works in an organization with poor leadership but has no mandate to affect leadership mastery, behaviour or priorities"

Analyze interviewee solution perception

Give a detailed analysis of what the interviewee belives would and would not solve their problems.

Ideate solutions

In the context of business development, ideate which solutions a company might design and sell in order to help the interviewee solve their problems.