

Make people feel good about themselves and challenge them.

"A true friend is someone who helps you reach your highest potential. Someone who helps you be the best you can be."

"A good friend puts the friend ahead of the friendship."

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Co-dependency is not a healthy dynamic. A good friend knows how and when to set boundaries. One person can’t meet all of your needs because that is not a realistic expectation to place on someone. You need to be able to provide those needs to yourself sometimes, and it’s vital to have a support network rather than one single individual that you lean on consistently. It’s important to remember that people are human beings with their troubles and limitations. A friend will be there for you, but they’ll also be there to set boundaries. A friend will be honest when they can’t be there but show you that they still love you and care about your needs, even if they can’t provide them at the time. A real friend values your friendship, and they’ll make sure it’s a healthy relationship on both ends.


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Hvis vi ikke lager tydelige areaner som legitimerer det å ta opp og diskutere hverandres problemer, så går det ingen automatikk at problemene kommer opp.

Andrew Wilkinson (fra 32:50 - 34:17) snakker hvordan man først får virkeliginnblikk i hva som foregår i noens liv når man skaper en arena for strukturert samtale.


Forholde seg til folk Soft skills Kommunikasjon Samkjøring Læring Ledelse Foundational skills Problemløsning Ta vare på andre Forståelse Omsorg Godhet

Relasjonsutvikling Etablere kontakt Skape muligheter

Health checks