
Wecomplish champion

Drive the adoptation of a the Wecomplish Platform forwards by instinctly talking about and demonstrating the Platform, as well as helping others to reach a high level of familiarity and value experience.

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Talk about and demonstrate the Wecomplish platform to new users

Share the videos from this video playlist to communicate the core of the Wecomplish value proposition.

Promote the Wecomplish library and its contents

The Wecomplish Library  is available to anyone from the public web site and includes reusable insight (aka "recipies") for tackling different roles and situations, both at work and in life in general.

As a Wecomplish champion, familiarize yourself with the types of content that can be found within the library so that you can suggest relevant content to relevant people based on the roles they're currently holding and situations they are experiencing.


Monitor and nudge platform activity

Getting started using a new system is hard. We are all busy, and adopting a new system takes time and effort to understand and make it an intuitive part of your workflow where relevant.

Up until the point where people have automated its use, they are likely to need some nudging in using the platform.

You can easily discover who needs nudging and where by Monitoring activity.

Use this information to talk to the people who aren't using the platform in accordance with what is currently expected of them, to better understand what is holding them back.


Insight management Organizational development Organizational health Organizational resilience Delegation

Management Change management