
Insight manager

Ensure that insight is effectively retained, shared and improved within the team. Maintain a healthy balance between human and structural capital.

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Alignment and friction prevention

Identify and resolve issues keeping people from managing insight relevant to their teams and roles

Some examples of how to do this might include:

  • Arranging team or company-wide sessions where issues are identified and discussed
  • Establish support channels for reporting insight managemnt issues
  • Establish "office hours" for insight management questions

Backup and disaster prevention

Insight management

Ensure that people maintain and improve insight relevant to their teams and roles

Formalize and operationalize insight management responsibilities across roles of

  • Insight manager
  • CEO
  • Team leders
  • Employees
Ensure sufficient, relevant, accurate and updated structural capital within the team 2

In order for the structural capital of the team to be effectively used and maintained, the team members need to feel a sense of ownership to it.

One way to facilitate the generation of this ownership is to ensure that the structural capital is considered relevant, updated and helpful to the team in their day-to-day work.

Practicing this responsibility is a three part process consisting of reviewing, familiarizing and surveying:


Review the structural capital of the team in order to make sure

  • It sufficiently describes how roles are expected to be practiced, which skills role holders need to master and how the team is expected to work in general
  • It's up-to-date with current expectations and best practices
  • It's sufficiently detailed to be considered helpful (and not be misunderstood). Use the Unclear expectations functionality to identify expectations across teams that people have indicated as unclear, and Prioritizing and delegating organizational improvements (flagging) to signify which piece of insight should be improved.


Ensure team members are aware of and familiar with the structural capital relevant to their roles.


Survey team members in order to determine to which extent they consider the structural capital of the team relevant and useful in completing their day-to-day work and developing in their roles.

Learning and development

Train members of the organization in insight management

In order for insight management to be effectively practiced within the team, team members need a proper understanding of the concept of insight management and the tools involved in practicing it.

It's your responsibility to communicate the concept and value of an insight management mindset within the team, and ensure that people hold the proper skills required to effectivly contribute to the insight managment process.

Practicing this responsibility could take the form of ensuring that new team members are given the proper time and resource materials they need to understand basic concepts, and providing regular training sessions/office hours in order to identify insight management obstacles and elevate the insight management skills of the team.

Performance management

Incentivize insight mangement work on a team and individual level

Ensure visibility and celebration of insight management work.

Measure reuse and continuous maintenance/improvement.

Team autonomy and enablement

Ensure that insight locations are easily accessible, reusable and native to the organization and its teams

Establishing efficient, accurate and robust methods for acquiring, formatting and storing it.


Organizational development Improvement Organizational health Leadership development