
Motivere mennesker

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Jeg vet hva som motiver folk til å gjøre en god jobb

According to Daniel Pink, what motivates people to do great work is:

  • Autonomy
  • Mastery
  • Purpose
Jeg er kjent med de tre formene for belønning

Fra 05:35 - 7:21

  • Anerkjennelse 
  • Pisk
  • Gulrot
Jeg vet hva som menes med locus of causality

Locus of causality is a concept central to Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and refers to where individuals perceive the origin of their motivation. It's about understanding whether the motivation for one's actions or behavior is perceived as coming from within oneself (internal locus of causality) or from external sources or pressures (external locus of causality).

  • Internal Locus of Causality: This implies that an individual's actions are perceived as self-determined or originating from personal interests, values, or desires. For example, a small business leader working extra hours because they are passionate about their business and find personal satisfaction in their work would be demonstrating an internal locus of causality.

  • External Locus of Causality: In contrast, this suggests that the motivation for actions comes from external sources, such as pressure from others, financial incentives, or other external rewards or demands. For instance, if a small business leader works long hours primarily due to external pressures like market competition or investor demands, this would indicate an external locus of causality.

Jeg vet hva som menes med Relative Autonomy Index (RAI)

The Relative Autonomy Index (RAI) is a concept derived from Self-Determination Theory (SDT), used to measure the degree of self-determination or autonomy in an individual's motivation. Essentially, RAI provides a way to quantify the extent to which a person's motivation for their actions is self-determined.

In SDT, motivation is often categorized on a spectrum ranging from amotivation (lack of motivation) through various forms of extrinsic motivation (motivated by external factors) to intrinsic motivation (motivated by internal factors). The RAI calculates a single composite score by weighing these different types of motivation, assigning different weights to each type based on its relative autonomy.

  • Intrinsic Motivation: This is the most self-determined form of motivation, where actions are driven by internal rewards such as personal satisfaction, interest, or enjoyment.

  • Extrinsic Motivation: This includes several subtypes, each with varying degrees of autonomy. For example, identified regulation (where actions align with personal goals and values) is more autonomous than external regulation (where actions are driven by external rewards or pressures).

  • Amotivation: This represents a lack of intentionality and motivation.

By calculating the RAI, researchers and practitioners can get a more nuanced understanding of an individual's motivational profile. A higher RAI score indicates a greater overall level of self-determination or autonomy in one's motivations.
