Wecomplish Create new organization

Welcome to the Wecomplish platform!

Novice 💪

How do we avoid getting stuck in the hamster wheel, or loose sight of the big picture?

Focus modes makes it easier toggle between leading and developing yourself, people and the organization, enabling you to concentrate on the right things at the right time.

This helps you avoid becoming overwhelmed or loose track of important goals and priorities.

Intermediate 💪💪

How can we organize our insights in a flexible and uniform way where everyone have a sense of ownership and contribute to improving it?

Insight types form a clear and flexible categorization system for organizational knowledge and expectations.

This makes it easier for teams to understand what is expected of them, how to achieve it and which insight they're missing.

Advanced 💪💪💪

How do we avoid that our hard earned insights get misunderstood, underutilized or rots away?

Insight traits help us manipulate and analyze our insight, its usage and how familiar people are with it.

This makes it easier to keep insight relevant, current and in use.

The Wecomplish platform is based on the three concepts which take a holistic and proactive approach leadership and development.

The concepts are designed to help organizations, teams and individuals avoid the common mistakes people make when trying to do targeted work and maximize utilization of resources.

Focus modes helps you stay focused, insight types help you organize knowledge and expectations, and insight traits help you maintain the value of the organized insight over time.

Together these concepts make up an efficient and organized approach to create value and achieve goals.

Relevant documentation


Time tracking








Background jobs
