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About this perspective

Leadership of the organization.

Answers the question
To which extent do we have a high-functioning network of people who support and hold each other accountable?

Underlying perspectives

Ensure regular access to support and accountability.

Answers the question
To which extent are leaders regularly checking in with their team members?
Views in platform

Things people need help with.

Answers the question
To which extent do individuals under each leader require assistance?
Views in platform

People assigned responsibility for a part of the organization.

Answers the question
How are management responsibilites divided up, and who is responsible for what?
Views in platform

Division of responsibilities amongst individuals.

Answers the question
To which extent are responsibilities evenly and fairly distributed?
Views in platform

A clear understanding of the roles of oneself and others.

Answers the question
To which extent do individuals under each leader have clarity and comfort with their role expectations?
Views in platform

A clear understanding of the goals of oneself and others.

Answers the question
To which extent do individuals under each leader have priorities assigned and clearly communicated?
Views in platform
Direction Bimonthly

Mechanisms providing organizational direction.

Answers the question
To which extent is the direction of the organization clear and concrete?
Views in platform

About this concept

To ensure we are developing a healthy, high-functioning organization, we need to check in with and evaluate different aspects of the organization on a regular basis.

Perspectives represent the different ways we can dissect and observe the organization. Different perspectives allow you to uncover and point to different aspects of dysfunction and well-functioning within the organization.

Each perspective includes a suggested frequency for how often to check in with the perspective, links to views within the platform which help you evaluate the status of the perspective and any %success_start%health checks which operationalize check-in with the perspective in your organization.

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Time tracking








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