
Problem-Solution Fit canvas

Identify behavioral patterns and recognize what would work and why. Identify solutions with higher chances of solution adoption, reduce time spent on testing and get a better overview of the current situation. Give an overview and insight into the real customer situation during his/her decision-making process.

Copyright IdeaHackers

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What is our vision for this solution?

Customer segment(s)

Who is our customer?


What problem do we solve for our customer? How frequently does this problem occur?

Triggers to act

What triggers customer to act?


Which emotions do people feel before / after this problem is resolved?

Available solutions

What solutions are available to the customer when he or she is facing the problem? What has he/she tried in the past? What are the pros/cons of existing solutions?

Customer limitations

What limits our customer from acting when a problem occurs? E.g. Spending power, network connection, available devices.


What does our customer do about the problem currently (around it / directly or indirectly related to it)? How often does this related behavior happen?

Channels of behavior

Where online does this behavior happen? (e.g. online, offline)


What is the cause of every problem on the list?

Our Solution

What is the best solution that fits into customer behavior and constraints?