Health check


Align around what a well-functioning coach looks like. Evaluate the extent to which a coach is a good fit and meets the expectations of the coachee.

This health check is also available in Norwegian.

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Ensure that the coach is predictably available when the coachee needs it, with the desired duration, frequency and response time.



Ensure that the coach faciliates productive reflection on what prevents the coachee from reaching their goals and working towards their ambitions and vision.


Ensure that the person being coached feels heard and understood.


Ensure that the coach holds the coachee responsible to the motivation for establishing the coaching relationship in the first place.


Ensure that the person being coached cannot "fly under the radar" by only talking about what is not working rather than doing something about it.

Continous feedback

The coach both offers and collects feedback continously on how well the coaching relationship is working.

Coachee accommodation

Motivationally calibrated 1

Provide support in a manner which matches the coachee motivation for looking for support in the first place (see support motivation).

Needs calibrated

Provide support in a manner which the coachee wants, needs and is ready to receive (see support needs).

Recipient calibrated 1

Provide support in a manner with matches the recipient considerations of the coachee (see recipient considations).

Coaching fit

Situational fit

Is the coach the best person to help the coachee in the situation they currently find themselves in?

Personal fit

Does the coach and the coachee have personal chemistry? Do they similar approaches to problem solving, or are able to adapt to eachothers styles?

Financial fit

Is the coachee able to afford the rates of the coach? Are they in a situation in which they expect the ROI of the coaching to surpass the coaching investment?

Methodology fit

Does the coach have an approach that the coachee belives in, provides them with the support they need and which the coachee finds effective?


Domain knowledge

Ensure that the coach possesses sufficient knowledge within the domain they are expected to contribute to.

Emotional support

Ensure that the coach picks up on, validates and takes into account the feelings and emotional obstacles of the coachee.


Ensure that the coach has a clear approach to understanding and diagnosing the current sitution, identifying obstacles and addressing those obstacles.


Ensure that the coaching creates value also when the coach themself is not available.

  • Does the coach present tools/methods/exercises that the coachee can use to practice on their own?

Goal clarity

Situational clarity

Ensure that the coach understands and takes into account the situation in which the coachee finds themself.

Problem clarity

Ensure that the coach understands and tries to help with the problem that the person being coached feels they have.

Personality clarity

Ensure that the coach understands and takes into account the idiosyncrasies of the coachee's personality.

Assignment clarity

Make sure that the coach understands where they are expected to contribute (and where they need to butt out).

Impact on coachee


The coachee trusts the coach, including motivations, understanding, approach and methods.


Ensure that the coachee experiences mental clarity within the coaching domain.


Ensure that the coachee experiences comfort with the coaching domain.


Ensure that the coachee is confident within the coaching domain.

Action readiness

Ensure that the coachee knows how and feel like they are ready to act in order to solve domain problems.