
Onboard a new member of the organization

The onboardee feels that that joining the organization has been a positive experience. The onboardee has a clear overview of what is expected of them and how to meet those expectations. The onboardee has gained access to the systems and equipment they need to perform their work effectively. The onboardee feels comfortable and able to practice their assigned roles as quickly as possible. The onboarding process has been effective and efficient.

Kopier til din organisasjon

Stage 1: Before first day 4

Search for the information type "Employment agreements" "(or Agreements" in generel) to see where employmeent agreements are expected to be stored.

Stage 2: First day of work 5

Employee mentor introduces the onboardee to the team and the rest of the office.

If the onboardee is working from a remote location, a welcoming announcement is posted in the digital communication platform.

Go to Organization > Teams and walk through the various teams and their purpose.

Employee mentor provides the onboardee with a birds eye overview of the onboarding checklists and explains how they are utilized/applied.

The mentor introduces and makes sure the employe is granted access to the core systems of the organization.

Core systems include systems where the employee is expected to learn about how to do their work, what to do and tools required to execute key tasks.

Familiarize the onboardee with planned work and how they can get from here to their assigned work, either via allocations or the project list.

Stage 3: Training 1

The onboarding is organized pr role and repeats the checklist for onboarding someone in a new role.

During the first two weeks, the mentor of the Employee role checks in with the onboardee on a daily basis to address any questions, concerns or blockers.

After the initial two weeks, consider switching to a less frequent check-in cycle (like once a week).

Stage 4: Evaluation 3

To ensure a continously improved onboarding experience, the onboarding process is evaluated aprox. 3 months after the first day on the job.

Identify the surveys the onboardee to respond to as a part of having gone through the onboarding process.

Potentially relevant surveys are:

For each survey that should be responded to, add the name of the survey as subtasks under the tasks Complete surveys and Discuss survey results.