
Get a foot in

Gain a basic level of access/acceptance in order to expand further in the future.

Copy to your organization

I understand what is meant by getting a foot in (the door)

To "get a foot in" means to enter a business or organization at a low level, but with a chance of being more successful in the future.

I understand what is meant by the term loose bricks (in the wall)

When we refer to "loose bricks (in the wall)", we mean problems that are obvious, exposed and that the client is painfully aware of.

Even though a loose brick might be the indication of a larger, structural problem, that does not neccessarily mean that the client is aware of the larger problem, which in turn means they probably aren't very motivated to fix it. If we suggest tearing down the wall and building up a new one (even though that might be the best, long-term solution), we will probably get turned away.

By focusing our initial communication with a client around identifying, empathizing with and fixing loose bricks, we better align ourselves with the clients problem experience and build a foundation of trust which can later be used to point out less obvious problems that require more trust and effort.

I understand how to identify potentially loose bricks

One way of identifying potentially loose bricks is to make assumptions based on our understanding of the roles or profiles we belive the person identifies with.

I understand what is meant by a foot in the door process

A foot in the door process is the process you use to get a foothold and prove your worth.

A foot in the door process is aimed at building trust by being low commitment and providing value fast. Foot in the door processes proceed the primary processes you are looking to deliver (get paid for), but should still, in their own right, produce value.

I can brainstorm ways to get a foot in

One way to get a foot in is to offer someone insights relevant to them and their situation, without the need of them expending any substantial amount of effort or money.

I understand what is meant by a foot in the door offering

A foot in the door offering is something you offer that is a no-brainer to accept for your target segment because it is low cost/commitment/risk in terms of:

  • Finance
  • Time
  • Social

A foot in the door offering should take into consideration:

  • The segment you're targeting (and what they care about)
  • The profile you're targeting (and what they care about)
  • In which order people think about solving the problem, and how far they have come already

A foot in the door offering should avoid triggering the fight or flight response by being low commitment, while simultanously disqualifying poor fit clients.

When someone rejects your foot in the door offer, it should be a clear indication that they are not interested in the problem you're solving.

Example of a great foot in the door offering

En organisasjon som samler penger til kreftsaken har et foten-i-døra tilbud i form av en panteavtale.

En bedrift kjøper en pantebeholder til kr 1500 som plasseres i bedriftens lokale, og så kommer organisasjonen og henter panten med jevne mellomrom. Inntektene fra panten går til kreftsaken.

Dette er et så bra foten-i-døra tilbud fordi det er lite kostbart, lite forpliktende og lite tidkrevende. Samtidig løser det et problem for bedriften (de blir kvitt panten). Men mest av alt, det demonstrerer (med minimal innsats) at bedriften er villig til å støtte en god sak.

Denne veldedighetsvilligheten kan så organisasjonen nyttegjøre og bygge videre på for å forsøke å innhente stadig høyere støttebeløp.

I understand what is meant by land-and-expand

The land-and-expand strategy starts when you land a small deal with an organization and use the contract to form a solid relationship with the organization by providing superior service. Then, you continue to sell to the business across different projects and expand your services and profit margins over time.


Startup Leadership stages Leadership support and enablement Leadership development Entreprenørskap