Wecomplish Create new organization
Perspectives 26
Evaluated 0
Not evaluated 26
Teams Quarterly

The groups of people working together towards a common purpose.

Answers the question
How has the organization organized its work, and who is contributing to which types of work?
Views in platform
People Quarterly

The individuals contributing to the organization.

Answers the question
Who is contributing to the organization, and who do they report to?
Views in platform
Insight Quarterly

Availability of relevant knowledge.

Answers the question
What types of insight is available to us?
Views in platform

Ensure regular access to support and accountability.

Answers the question
To which extent are leaders regularly checking in with their team members?
Views in platform

Things people need help with.

Answers the question
To which extent do individuals under each leader require assistance?
Views in platform

People assigned responsibility for a part of the organization.

Answers the question
How are management responsibilites divided up, and who is responsible for what?
Views in platform

Division of responsibilities amongst individuals.

Answers the question
To which extent are responsibilities evenly and fairly distributed?
Views in platform

A clear understanding of the roles of oneself and others.

Answers the question
To which extent do individuals under each leader have clarity and comfort with their role expectations?
Views in platform

A clear understanding of the goals of oneself and others.

Answers the question
To which extent do individuals under each leader have priorities assigned and clearly communicated?
Views in platform

A clear understanding of the roles of oneself and others.

Answers the question
To which extent are people familiar and comfortabel with their role expectations?
Views in platform

A clear understanding of the goals of oneself and others.

Answers the question
To which extent are priorities assigned and clearly communicated to each individual?
Views in platform
Support Bimonthly

Things people need help with.

Answers the question
To which extent do people need help, and are people sufficiently available to them?
Views in platform
Opinions Quarterly

How do people experience our work.

Answers the question
What are we polling people's opinions on, and what is their verdict?
Views in platform

What we follow up with to ensure we're on the right track.

Answers the question
Which perspectives of the organization have we checked in with, and how recently?
Views in platform

Skillsets insufficiently mastered.

Answers the question
What do we master insufficiently, and where should we prioritize improving?
Views in platform

Articulate, make available and reuse insights.

Answers the question
To which extent have we collected and organized the insight we need to create value effectively?
Views in platform

Ensure that people have automated relevant expectations.

Answers the question
Which expectations are people less familiar with, and which teams would benefit the most from growing familiarity with their insight?
Views in platform

Ensure that we view the organization from relevant angles on a regular basis.

Answers the question
Which perspectives are we aware of, which are relevant to us and are we checking in with them with sufficient regularity?
Views in platform
Topic owners Semi-annually

The responsibility of an insight topic within the organization.

Answers the question
Who is responsble for which topics within the organization, and to which extent has each team delegated insight responsibilities?
Views in platform

Division of responsibility for managing insight.

Answers the question
Who is expected to contribute to which types of insight?
Views in platform

Our prioritized initiatives.

Answers the question
Which initiatives are currently ongoing, and what types of initiatives are they?
Views in platform

Tasks with fixed deadlines.

Answers the question
To which extent are we delivering within the expected time frame?
Views in platform

Goals we are trying to achieve.

Answers the question
Which goals are we currently focused on, and how do they fit together?
Views in platform
Risk Monthly

What we are concerned might happen.

Answers the question
Which risks are insufficiently mitigated, and what are we doing to rectify the situation?
Views in platform

What needs to be true for us to succeed.

Answers the question
To which extent are we actively and awarely collecting data on our prioritized hypothesis?
Views in platform
Direction Bimonthly

Mechanisms providing organizational direction.

Answers the question
To which extent is the direction of the organization clear and concrete?
Views in platform

About this concept

To ensure we are developing a healthy, high-functioning organization, we need to check in with and evaluate different aspects of the organization on a regular basis.

Perspectives represent the different ways we can dissect and observe the organization. Different perspectives allow you to uncover and point to different aspects of dysfunction and well-functioning within the organization.

The purpose of this page is to make it easier to understand the different perspectives, and how they contribute to the overall well-functioning of an organization.

Each perspective includes a suggested frequency for how often to check in with the perspective, links to views within the platform which help you evaluate the status of the perspective and any health checks which operationalize check-in with the perspective in your organization.

Relevant documentation


Time tracking








Background jobs
