Make it clear what great team leadership looks like, and align around the perception of one's ability to be a great leader.
Make the quality of leadership within the organization more transparent. Support and hold individual team leaders accountable to performing at the top of their game.
This health check is also available in Norwegian.
More resources like this?
Check out these development programs: Leadership functioning , Organisasjonsfungering , Ledergruppefungering
Ensure that people understand their own roles, and the roles of others.
Ensure that people understand their own goals, and the goals of others.
Ensure that people get the help they need and request.
Ensure that people regularly receive the support and accountability required to do their best work.
Ensure that management responsibilities are delelgated fairly, evenly and in accordance with the incentives, strenghts and weaknesses of each individual.
Avoid leaders developing blind spots, deprioritizing their management responsibilities or doing what comes naturally rather than doing what's neccessary.
Ensure that leaders hold a representative picture of how good a leader they are. Improve awareness of where to focus on developing oneself as a leader.
Ensure that the leader is aligned with the values and ways of doing things within the organization.
Ensure that the leader is aligned with the purpose, mission, vision, strategy and north star objectives of the organiztion.
Ensure that people are sufficiently skilled to do work effectively and efficiently.
Ensure that the knowledge available to the organization is articulated, accessible and reusable.
Ensure that people have automated relevant expectations.