Help the team reach its goals and move towards its purpose. Develop yourself and the team. Maintain a healthy work/life balance and contribute positively to the employee experience within the team.
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It's in everyone's best interest that you are happy and engaged at work.
As a result, you should take regular stock of your engagement in order to make sure that you remain on the top of your game and identify any issues which need resolving in order for you to maintain motivated.
Practice this responsbility by responding to the team's preferred employee experience survey.
You are expected to give feedback on the performance of your leader semi-annually by responding to the survey How effective is my manager.
Create an allocation that reoccurs semi-annually, starting 2 - 3 months after your first day of work, in order to ensure that this responsibility is preserved.
Use the Me focus mode or Check-in (one-on-one) to systematically review, reflect on and report progress on your priorities.
For OKRs, use the functionality described in Key results to track progress on key results.
The description of a responsibility is considered accurate and up-to-date when
The description of a responsibility is great when the responsibility can be transferred to someone else without any additional execution instructions.
If you have insight you suspect others in the organization will benefit from you are expected to share it.
You will share your insight the way your Team has agreed upon. If you are in doubt about how to share your insight, do it in the way that feels intuitive to you. It is more important that you share your insight, than doing it the right way.
There's always something we could do. As a result, if you're not deliberate about how you divide and spend your time, you can easily feel overwhelmed or get caught up working on the wrong things.
Prioritizing your time wisely means that you
People who practice this responsibility well set aside explicit time for it. One way of doing this is through the concept of check-ins.
Role clarity is the degree to which employees have a clear understanding of their tasks, responsibilities and processes at work. This clarity is not limited to ones own role; it also includes the roles of colleagues.
Clarity is an essential precursor of productivity, and a lack thereof can cause stress and confusion. To reduce these feelings and improve both personal effectiveness and the organization’s overall performance, role clarity is crucial.
In order to drive role clarity, we need everyone to set the bar for role clarity high. Examples of setting the bar high includes expecting:
Goal clarity is the extent to which the outcome goals and objectives of the job are clearly defined, stated and understood.
New roles, responsibilities, skillsets, systems, etc.
You will be made aware of which checklists that are considered relevant for you by them appearing as checklists to familiarize yourself with in the context of each role you hold.
For more information about how to apply checklists, check out the documentation.
By providing traceability in your work, you enable us to improve our processes and ensure that work is done correctly.
Providing traceability means describing how and why work was done, enabling someone (or yourself) to easily understand what happened sometime in the future when you no longer remember the details.
When the traceability is great, we can understand a sequence of events by pulling on a virtual thread, where the thread is the task, process, or checklist which initiated the event. By following the descriptions and links we can get a complete overview of who did what when, how and why.
The intention of this responsibility is to reflect on and improve your ability to exel in your roles.
To practice this responsibility, indicate your familiarity with unfamiliar expectations and update your familiarity with expectations in focus.
For both purposes, you can use the purple Play-buttons in the right column of your dashboard.
Create a weekly, recurring allocation of 0,5 hours to help you ensure that you practice this responsibility once a week.
Review your list of Skillsets with insufficient proficiency while asking yourself:
Whenever you suspect that we're not doing something we should be doing, or it's not clear who should be doing it, add that thing as a unmanaged responsibility to the relevant team and draw the attention of the team leader to the responsibility in order to have it associated with the proper role.
Research suggest that not taking breaks can
How often?
Tips on what to do or not do during breaks
Instead of having the attitude of "let's see how much I can accomplish today", set realistic expectations beforehand for what you plan to get done during a single day.
This allows you to
Planning a realistic amount of work each day means setting a realistic/pessimistic daily plannable time and sticking to it when planning a single day.
Insight management
Insight management Organizational development Organizational health Organizational resilience Delegation
Project management Awareness
Employee experience Organizational health Leadership support and enablement Management Leadership development
Employee experience Onboarding
Employee experience Organizational clarity Organizational development Organizational health Onboarding Startup Alignment and friction prevention Leadership support and enablement Role clarity Leadership development
Organizational health Organizational development Onboarding Employee experience Leadership support and enablement Management Leadership development
Role autonomy Onboarding Team autonomy and enablement Organizational health Role clarity
Employee experience Organizational clarity Organizational development Organizational health Startup Alignment and friction prevention Leadership support and enablement Leadership development
Employee experience
Employee experience
Employee experience Alignment and friction prevention Organizational health Organizational development
Employee experience Ansattopplevelse